BUYANKHISHIG Zundui (Doctor, Associate professor)
Position: Head of Telecommunications of engineering
Research field: Broadband communication, Mongolian language processing, Information and coding theory, High-level modulation
E-mail: zbuya@must.edu.mn
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8648-5608
CHULUUNBANDI Naimannaran (Doctor, Associate professor)
Position: Director
Research field:: Wireless and cellular communication systems, Hardware development technology, Microwave RF technology, Radio and television systems
E-mail: chuluunbandi@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-1333
CV: file

UUGANBAYAR Purevdorj (Doctor)
Position: Head of training and quality department
Research field: Modeling of high-power microwave circuits, Wireless broadband, Advanced high-speed technologies, Microsatellite development, Digital television broadcasting
E-mail: p.uuganbayar@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-2333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6617-6832
CV: file

OTGONBAYAR Bataa (Doctor, Professor)
Position: Advising Professor
Research field: 4th Generation Mobile Wireless Communication System Theory and Technology Network, Wimax Technology, Computer Network, Educational Management, Space Communication
E-mail: otgonbayar_b@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1165-6385

JAVZANSUREN Jigjidsuren (Doctor, Associate professor)
Position: Professor
Research field: Broadcast technology, Wireless communication technology
E-mail: j_javzansuren@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333

BALJINNYAM Tsevegmed (Doctor, Associate professor)
Position: Professor
Research field: The structure of the communication network and its load, Audio and video signal processing
E-mail: tsbaljinnyam@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333

GANBOLD Shagdar (Doctor, Associate professor)
Position: Associate professor
Research field: Energy saving in optical communication and optical networks
E-mail: sh_ganbold@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2942-2736

ERDENEBAYAR Lamjav (Doctor)
Position: Associate professor
Research field: LTE technology, Wimax technology, Mobile IP TV, Interconnection of devices and protocols, Computer network, IoT, Artificial intelligence
E-mail: erdenebayar.l@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6144-1825

BATDALAI Sukh (Doctor)
Position: Associate professor
Research field: Optical signal processing
E-mail: batdalai@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1694-0120

PUREVTSEREN Bayarsaikhan (Doctor)
Position: Associate professor
Research field: Microwave, Broadcast technology, Broadband wireless technology
E-mail: purevtseren_b@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333

NARANTUYA Erkhembaatar (Doctor)
Position: Senior lecturer
Research field: Association Networks, Information Theory
E-mail: narantuya@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4261-2537
NYAMSUREN Purevsuren (Doctor, Associate professor)
Position: Senior lecturer
Research field: Educational technology, innovation, IoT protocols and Standarts
E-mail: nyamsuren@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8195-5949
CV: file

MUNKHBAYAR Adiya (Doctor)
Position: Senior lecturer
Research field: WSN, Cloud computing, DSP
E-mail: a_munkhbayar@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8195-5949
BAYARMAA Ragchaa (Doctor)
Position: Senior Lecturer
Research field: LBS based on LTE-3GPP
E-mail: d.bayarmaa@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333

ARIUNAA Tsogbadrakh
Position: Senior Lecturer
Research field: IP technology, Optical communication, Digital television, Space communication
E-mail: ts.ariunaa@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333

Position: Senior Lecturer
Research field: NGN, Energy efficiency
E-mail: dolgorsuren@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3663-1093
CV: file

OYU Chuluun
Position: Senior Lecturer
Research field: Broadband Broadcast Technology, RF Engineering, Circuit Engineering and Design
E-mail: oyu_ch@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3067-4773

ERDENECHIMEG Gansukh (Ph.D student)
Position: Senior Lecturer
Research field: E-Learning, Big data analytic, Computer simulation
E-mail: gerdenechimeg@must.edu.mn
(Ph.D student, Iwate university, Japan)
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2898-0958
CV: file

Position: Senior Lecturer
Research field: Education technology, E-learning
E-mail: batshagai@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1123-1870

LKHAGVASUREN Tugrug (Doctor, Associate Professor)
Position:Contractual Lecturer
Research field: Telecommunications, Federal Network Load and Quality of Service, Federal Networks and Protocols
E-mail: lkhagvasuren_t@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
CV: file

PUREV Batjargal
Position: Lecturer
Research Field: Image processing, Technology development in education, Online learning
E-mail: purev@must.edu.mn
(Ph.D student, Iwate university, Japan)

GANBAATAR Chuluunbat
Position: Lecturer
Research Field: Bio chip,Internet of things
E-mail: ch.ganbaatar@must.edu.mn
(Ph.D student, Iwate university, Japan)
ERDENETUYA Erdenebileg
Position: Lecturer
Research Fields: Mobile IPTV, Wireless Sensor Network, Broadband Convergence Network, LTE Advanced Heterogeneous Network
E-mail: erdenetuya.e@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4470-3819
CV: file
Position: Lecturer
Research Fields: Development of high-speed cellular communication system, LTE-based IoT, Advanced mobile communication system
E-mail: buyankhishig.o@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5104-4554
MUNKHBAT Altanbayar
Position: Lecturer
Research Fields:
E-mail: munkhbat@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
CV: file

Position: Laboratory instructor
Research Fields: RF, Mulitimedia technology
E-mail: buyanbat@must.edu.mn
(Ph.D student, Iwate university, Japan)

OYUN-ERDENE Buyantogtokh
Position: Laboratory instructor
Research Fields: e-commerce, e-business
E-mail: bt.erka@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333
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Position: Laboratory instructor
Research Fields: Mobile communication
E-mail: erdenetuya.a@must.edu.mn
Phone: +976 7015-6333