“School of Electrical and Radio Telecommunication” established by resolution of the Council of Ministerial No 32 of Mongolian People's Republic (MPR).
The initial 25 students, of National University of Mongolia (NUM) transferred from Radio Physics program to Telecommunication Engineering in1967-1968 academic year by the resolution of the adapted in 1966.
Radio Telecommunication Department opened under Power Faculty of School of Polytechnic (SP) with five lecturers, and first Telecommunication Engineering & Economics major started as well.
The first graduation of 21 engineers in Communication Engineering.
Telecommunication Training Center established by combining School of Technic and Telecommunication Department of Railway Technicom.
SP separated from NUM as an independent school.
Control Automatic System & Calculation Department established by Ministry of People's Education and Council of Science and Technic, decision No. 14/42 on Jan. 31, 1984.
Automatic & Electronics Department established by decision No. 236 of Ministry of People's Education on June 29,1984
Faculty of Information Technic & Automation established by Presidential decision of SP.
Computer Research & Training Center was founded by Presidential Decision No.556 of SP on Dec. 5, 1986. SP is expanded to become Technical University (TU).
School of Information Technic (SIT) established by merging Telecommunication Training Center and Faculty of Information Technic & Automation by Ministerial Decision No. 22 of People's Education in 1991.01.12. The school included four departments: Radio Telecommunication, Electrical Telecommunication, Information Technology, and Electronics.
Engineering Training Center established based on Computer Research & Training Center of SP.
Engineering Training Center became Computer Science and Management School (CSMS) due to restructure of TU.
Alumni Association was founded
Graduate (master) degree programs opened in Electrical telecommunication, Radio Telecommunication, and Foreign Language Sector established by the Presidental Decision of TU
Five universities, including TU, have connected to the internet first time, the project was supported by Science Fund of USA
Transferred to Academic Credit system
SIT renamed as School of Telecommunication and information Technic (STIT) by Presidential Decision No.28 of TU on Feb. 11, 1988
Training Center for Information and Communication Technology, worth 1 million USD, named after Vice President A.B Vajpayee established by the government of Republic of India. The training center is capable of teaching programming languages and network programs such as CISCO, JAVA and Microsoft at professional level. Moreover, the training center is capable of conducting remote training, and video conference among 16 provinces of Mongolia
STIT renamed as School of Telecommunication and Information Technology (STIT)
Undergraduate and graduate degree programs of Electrical Communication Department accredited, which were the first degree programs accredited in Mongolia, by Mongolian National Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
CISCO Academy established at CSMS by the Development Program og the UN
Distance Learning Center that connects SICT and education and Culture Organizations in all the 21 provinces astablished by the Misintry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia
An artificial Intelligence Laboratory for knowledge development based software donated by Technical University of Berlin (TUB) in the framework of cooperation.
Training center called "School on Internet" established.
STIT retitled as School of Information and Communication Technology (SICT) by Presidential Decision No.157 on Apr.30, 2009.
Radio (№25), Information Technology (№26) and Data Measurement Electronics (№27) bachelor degree programs due authorizing the National Council on Education Accreditation.
Telecommunication professional undergraduate programs accredited by the second time, the National Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
Undergraduate degree programs of Radio Communication (№37), Information Technology (№39) and Electronics (№40) accredited by the National Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
Employee's apartment for 30 families completed.
Information Network (№138) degree program accredited by the National Council for Educational Accreditation.
The Information Network (№138) professional baccalaureate degree program is accredited by the National Council for Educational Accreditation.
"Mobile ICT" center training, worth 468 Million South Korea won, donated by Dankook University in the framework of the University Partnership program by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
SICT and two departments (Computer Science and Hardware) of CSMS merged altogether by the Presidential and Board od Education's Decision of MUST. As a result, SICT enlarged and reorganized to have four depertments (Communication Department, Electronics department, Computer science department, and Information technology department), including 103 professors and lecturers (39 had PhD degree), and offering 8 undergraduate, 13 masters, and 8 doctoral degree programs.